Thursday, April 16, 2009

Reflections of a Mother

I see a Mother, in a kitchen window,
staring out into the sunny air
Wondering where her children are,
deep in thoughtful prayer.

Looking to her right and left,
eyes searching in tender care
But knowing no fear, and absolute peace
She knows, Jesus is going with them, everywhere.

A mothers Love, so gentle and true
always seeming so strong and pure.
Holding her babies in comforting arms
while kissing an injured finger or knee,
a child’s perfect cure.

For a child, a mother knows every answer
to questions , that are often shared
But a Mother who who is always listening
shows attention because she has a mothers care..

A mother teaches the truth about all things,
While showing that she has the answer to all life’s pain.
She opens her bible, and shows how much Jesus loves
by dying on the Cross for our sin, and shame.

She teaches the Truth that only Jesus gives
To her children and all their friends
While sharing of God’s forgiveness and grace
she teaches them about living free from sin.

Living her life as an example of His Word
A Mothers reflection, a child will never doubt
For she teaches what His true Love really is
And with this, her children will never have to do without.


Kathryn said...

This is a lovely tribute to mothers, Karen!

karen said...

thank you. It was written because I never had a mother * ( or father ) that embraced christianity, or any other religion. And, because I wanted to show my own children what I thought about being thier mother, now that I am a believer, I wrote this one day as I thought back to how I didn't show them as little tykes, the Love that Jesus instills in us as followers. And as I wrote it out, my heart deepened in the love for both of them, as well as for Jesus, knowing He is the one that gives us life , and asks us , as parents, to nurture our children in the lifestyle of one of His children..

susanwalkergirl said...

What a high calling a mother (and father) has and eternal rewards when it's done by and for the power of Christ.

Thank you for the picture of a Christian mother. Your children are most blessed by God to have you as their mother.

karen said...

Thank you for the kind words of encouragement.. My children are both young adults, but they continue to teach me what Grace really means.. I love them deeply, and will never stop leaving them before the Lord..
Have a great evening..