My heart wants you to know,
My love for you will still go on
As sure as God's rainbow.
I know I caused you heartache,
For that I've grieved for years,
But we cannot erase the past
And mercy's dried the tears.
You are the fruit this vine's produced...
My children, still my own...
With pride and wonder as I've watched
You've blossomed as you've grown.
Your children now have blessed me
And filled my cup with joy,
With love and laughter, pride and awe,
That no one can destroy.
I'm blessed to have this legacy,
A gift from God's own heart,
You and your children from His hand...
Such lovely works of art.
Whatever worlds you conquer
I'll have a part as well,
For lives leave endless ripples
As waves recede and swell.
Should this be my last on earth
I have just one request,
That you would know the love of God,
This One who loves you best.
May your lives be a blessing,
A gift from Him to earth,
May you fulfill His purposes
And know your own self-worth.
And should this be my last on earth
We have this consolation,
If you know Jesus as your Lord,
We'll meet in celebration.
Ephesians 3:17-19