Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Jehovah Jireh - the Provider of All
yes, Jesus is His Name -
The One who is Sufficient for all
Yes, on the Throne, Jesus will always Reign.
Yes it is Christ the King of Glory
The beginning and end to always be
The Author, and finisher of my faith
Yes, it is Jesus, who came to set the captive free.
Christ is the Power that hold us up
He is Mighty Counselor, faithful and true
He is Jehovah Jireh, the Provider of all
Oh yes, His provisions given, to me, and you.
He is the Rock, the Cornerstone
He is the Mighty Warrior both day and night
He is the One that gives victory sweet
Oh yes, He is our Everlasting Light.
Yes it is Christ Jesus, the King of Kings
to whom all my praise I will always send
The Name of Jesus, Everlasting God
He is the Fountain of Living Water that will never end.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Divine Appointment
Over 150,000 people
Had a divine appointment today
Nameless and faceless to most
But each is known by God
The One to Whom we must give an account
The date of that divine appointment
Was set long before we took our first breath
The One who formed us in our mother’s womb
Measured our days and scheduled the appointment
The day and the hour when we will take our last breath
In the Bible
God counsels us
To number our days
He warns us that it is appointed for man to die once
Then comes judgment
There are no second chances
There are no mulligans to be claimed
Though all will stand before God one day
Not all paths will end in heaven
For some another place has been reserved
For those who have rejected God
All of their days
Those who have worshipped a god
Of their own making
They will spend eternity separated from God’s presence
And such were some of us
Until the Son of Man
Set us free
From the bondage of sin and death
He put us on the narrow path
We found there is but One Way to salvation
Through Jesus Christ our Lord
If you confess with your mouth
And believe with your heart
You will be saved!
Susan Bunts Wachtel
June 26, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
i love u from God
I am texting my socialite scene,
but I haven’t tonight checked my inbox
for messages from God.
Will I find love notes? Bible verses?
Will my inbox contain a simple “good night”
(Followed by “good morning”, “good night”, “good morning”, “good night”)?
Or long messages – five minutes to type out.
If He has warned me not to gossip or to avoid impure thoughts,
His thumbs must be calloused.
I punch His number into the recipient box.
I memorized it.
I type a simple thought about my exhaustion
then curl up on my bed.
I know He collects numbers from China and Israel,
Boston and Mexico City.
His inbox is crammed with their
“HELP”s and “r u around?”s.
But He checks constantly for a response from me.
I feel the phone’s vibration shake my sheets
then flip open the screen to read
“i love u sweet dreams”.Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Blessed Beneath His Vigilance
Despairing there, in deep travail
Yearning for reprieve;
Until a calming hand touched mine
And anguish had to leave.
Personally, Christ came nigh
And saved me by and by.
Grieving like I’ve never grieved
Too deep the loss to bear;
Until a gentle arm came ‘round
And Jesus met me there.
Personally, Christ came nigh
And saved me by and by.
Fearing what the future holds
Without a means to earn:
Until a blessed voice assured:
From thee I’ll never turn.
Personally, Christ came nigh
And saved me by and by.
Dreading what the doctor said
All hope from me diverged.
Until His solemn word arose:
And light again emerged.
Personally, Christ came nigh
And saved me by and by.
In each and every circumstance,
Whatever life may bring
I rest assured I’m covered
Beneath Almighty wings.
Personally, Christ is nigh
And saves me by and by.
By Tom Valles
Psalm 91:4 He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Reflections of a Father
Walking hand in hand
Sharing secrets of a new romance,
Or building sand castles in the sand.
Tea parties with a daughter,
or taking a son for a spin in his new car
Reflections of a father,
Bright or dimming like a star.
The privilege of raising a child
is an honor given you
But it’s also something that your children will teach their kids
And that’s a reflection of you, too.
Your teaching lessons of morality,
and sharing mistakes in life that you have made
Showing your kids you are an adult,
And don’t measure love with a passing or failing grade.
For you see, your example in life
Is all that your children might hear, or see.
You shape their mind with every thought
That ever comes to be.
For, your life is their reflection,
of all that your children are
Your children sometimes become like you,
And are sometimes left with painful scars.
And, sometimes, I stop to wonder
what runs through a parent’s mind?
When all of a sudden
you have a child to raise -
after 9 months of not knowing
what you’d find.
Will you be there for your child,
Ready to listen to all their worries and cares?
Or, will you turn your back on them,
teaching them they have nothing important to share?
I hope as a Father,
You teach your child to be giving, helpful and strong
And as you walk along life’s roads with each one
the reflections of you, their Father
will have taught right from wrong.
So, learn all you can about being a Father
from the most awesome Heavenly Father ever seen
and know that as your children learn and grow
its a Godly reflection that they've gleaned.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Father's Day Poetry
Father's Day Haiku
How everlasting
Are the bonds between fathers
And their little girls.
For Father’s Day – a Poem
For all the times I never told you thank you,
For all the times I ignored what you said,
For all the years I acted so indifferent,
I want to say how much I thank you, Dad.
These are the things I should have often told you,
But usually they were left unsaid;
Now these are words that weigh heavy upon me -
How much I want to say, I love you, Dad.
For all the times you reached and I rebuffed you,
For all the years I scoffed at things you said,
I want to say how much I miss my father,
And how I wish I could tell you now, Dad.
Father's Day Acrostic - a Father's Day Poem
F athers are not appreciated
A s much as they should be.
T hey toil at work and work at home
H oping to meet our needs,
E ach day brings new occasions --
R easons for appreciation,
S howing thanks for his deeds.
D ad, I wish I could tell you this,
A s I sit with my memories --
Y ou are so very dearly missed.