Friday, November 16, 2012

‘Round the Corner

I wish I could sit ‘round the corner,
And just listen to all of the clamor.
Just listen to laugher and voices,
Listen to what really matters.

I would hear dear familiar voices,
Laughs I would know right away.
Dinnerware clanging with silverware,
And the smells of Thanksgiving day!!!

I would thank God that I have my family,
Both at home and those miles away.
If I could just sit right ‘round the corner,
That would be a spectacular day.

What you have, when you’re gathered together,
Is a gift every heart longs to share.
The gift of just loving each other,
And the prize of each person that’s there.

Though I’m not sitting there ‘round the corner,
My heart is most certainly there.
My love, adoration and thankfulness,
Is in spirit, at everyone’s chair.

I love you dear family, and send my best wishes:
For holiday health, wealth and mirth.
Tis Thanksgiving Day! Thank God for right now!
It’s the best seat to have on the earth.


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