Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Journey of Healing

Today,there has been rest in the Father after a great time of weeping. In that weeping, comes peace as I know He will continue to lead those I love dearly, into a place of grace, and healing - just as He has promised . This poem just seemed to be needed .. not for myself, or anyone specific, but could be for us all when we are journeying out of wounding that seems unbearable..

With heavy hearts we lay our burdens down
and we fall into the arms of Father above
and as we struggle to take every breath
Jesus will shelter us in His perfect love.

And even in this burden strong
and with questions that long for truth
even heavy with all our emotions raw
the Word of God is where we find His proof

Though life doesn't make our pain go away
in fact, sin makes it heavier than ever before
but as we rest in the arms of God
He whispers "Come",as He meets us at mercies door.

The door where My healing will be found
and deep peace will settle deep into your heart
but even though it takes faith to trust right now
Child, freedom from sin means you need to start

So rise up in strength that I have given you
though you don't believe you can do it all again
yes, Child, even when though broken and weak
you will find redemption over all shame and sin

So, come to me, and rest now in peace
remembering, I created you to be the Child I know
don't worry about all that others say or think of you
Child, just believe I will be with you wherever you need to go.


karen said...

thank you for the enouraging word!

Kimberly Leasure said...

Karen, your writings have so much compassion,, there is a woman on ehow,, named "Merriment"... she has a web site named.. "CompassionChanges".. she's looking for people like you to write. Also,, there is a website called "ChristianWomenConnect"... and the lady who runs it is named 'Cheryl Goff',,, I believe you are exactly what she is looking for. I promise I'm not trying to sell you on something. I just noticed, you have many christian beliefs and articles.. that's my Love.. The Lord.. and You have a true way with words... Blessings... I see you as a famous writer for God's use!