As a Christian Poet's Pen contributor, do you like getting comments and critiques on your poems? Then try leaving comments for others! Since poets can edit poems, you are also welcome to politely point out typos and/or spelling/punctuation/grammar suggestions. I would like this blog to not just be a place to display our poems, but also to grow as Christian poets.
Feel free to comment on these suggestions in the Comments section below!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
INVITATION TO LIFE (based on Isaiah 55.1)
A call to every nation
There's been a declaration
A message issued with a trumpet blast
You have an invitation
To join a celebration
So shake a leg and get your tickets fast
In the general population
There's a great infatuation
With seeking truths down many barren tracks
This 'new age' intoxication
Leaves you stranded at the station
Empty bags and none the wiser for the facts
Does your spiritual stagnation
Make you yearn for elevation?
Do you strive and pace and no-one seems to care?
Are you thirsty with frustration?
Do you walk with hesitation?
You're unsure what it is, but it's not there?
There is hope and revelation
When you read your invitation
Its sender signed your name with His own hand
He will wake you from sedation
You will shout with jubilation!
And your spirit will be filled right where you stand
Parched lips will know cessation
When you drink in His salvation
Come and have your fill - it's all for free!
No cash accumulation
Can buy this liberation
The price was paid with blood upon a tree
You don't need qualification
Just humble supplication
His love for you was made known by decree
For the Lord of all creation
Wants your name in publication
In the Book of Life that sits upon His knee
There's been a declaration
A message issued with a trumpet blast
You have an invitation
To join a celebration
So shake a leg and get your tickets fast
In the general population
There's a great infatuation
With seeking truths down many barren tracks
This 'new age' intoxication
Leaves you stranded at the station
Empty bags and none the wiser for the facts
Does your spiritual stagnation
Make you yearn for elevation?
Do you strive and pace and no-one seems to care?
Are you thirsty with frustration?
Do you walk with hesitation?
You're unsure what it is, but it's not there?
There is hope and revelation
When you read your invitation
Its sender signed your name with His own hand
He will wake you from sedation
You will shout with jubilation!
And your spirit will be filled right where you stand
Parched lips will know cessation
When you drink in His salvation
Come and have your fill - it's all for free!
No cash accumulation
Can buy this liberation
The price was paid with blood upon a tree
You don't need qualification
Just humble supplication
His love for you was made known by decree
For the Lord of all creation
Wants your name in publication
In the Book of Life that sits upon His knee
Saturday, March 28, 2009
There is the King who gave His all
Jesus came, to show the way
He pardoned sin, for those who ask
but what a costly price our Savior paid.
Jesus, Savior, King of Glory
Prince of Peace, Oh God of light!
Your redeeming Power , Hallelujah!
Love's Redemption, God's Glory, bright.
Oh yes we sing a song of Honor!
God's grace and mercy on Calvary's tree
Glory rising from deaths darkest tomb
Glory, Glory ! He rose again for all to see!
Oh how I love you Jesus , King of Glory
Your Beauty brighter as I seek Your face
Oh what Glory we find in Jesus!
Your Majesty goes beyond all time and space.
Oh yes we sing a song of Love and Honor
for Grace and mercy left on Calvary's tree
Glory came when heaven rays opened up in splendor
Oh yes, our awesome God, reigns eternally!
Jesus came, to show the way
He pardoned sin, for those who ask
but what a costly price our Savior paid.
Jesus, Savior, King of Glory
Prince of Peace, Oh God of light!
Your redeeming Power , Hallelujah!
Love's Redemption, God's Glory, bright.
Oh yes we sing a song of Honor!
God's grace and mercy on Calvary's tree
Glory rising from deaths darkest tomb
Glory, Glory ! He rose again for all to see!
Oh how I love you Jesus , King of Glory
Your Beauty brighter as I seek Your face
Oh what Glory we find in Jesus!
Your Majesty goes beyond all time and space.
Oh yes we sing a song of Love and Honor
for Grace and mercy left on Calvary's tree
Glory came when heaven rays opened up in splendor
Oh yes, our awesome God, reigns eternally!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
In the garden of Gethsemane
as Jesus bowed his head to pray
He became a Man of Sorrows
as my sin, on his back was heavy,laid.
Jesus felt the shame of all mankind
yes, my sin, such a heaviness in his soul
With his body, pierced and broken
For the King of Jews, death was the mockers goal.
Oh yes, Jesus, our Redeeming Hope in Glory
when for us, He took the world's every sin
He suffered the mocking of such angry hearts
But, His offering of Love, to give new life, within.
Oh Yes, singing - Glory, Glory Hallelujah!
Oh yes, Jesus rose up from the grave!
My Savior arose in powerful Victory
Oh yes, my Redeemers came for all, to save!
Oh yes, the Redeemer is a comin'
as he rides on a horse of perfect white
His love broke all the chains of death
oh yes, heavens Glory will open at the sight!
Oh yes, the Redeemer is a comin'
I will sing and shout a song of victory!
As His love conquered the chains all my sin
Oh yes, the Redeemers Blood has set me free..
as Jesus bowed his head to pray
He became a Man of Sorrows
as my sin, on his back was heavy,laid.
Jesus felt the shame of all mankind
yes, my sin, such a heaviness in his soul
With his body, pierced and broken
For the King of Jews, death was the mockers goal.
Oh yes, Jesus, our Redeeming Hope in Glory
when for us, He took the world's every sin
He suffered the mocking of such angry hearts
But, His offering of Love, to give new life, within.
Oh Yes, singing - Glory, Glory Hallelujah!
Oh yes, Jesus rose up from the grave!
My Savior arose in powerful Victory
Oh yes, my Redeemers came for all, to save!
Oh yes, the Redeemer is a comin'
as he rides on a horse of perfect white
His love broke all the chains of death
oh yes, heavens Glory will open at the sight!
Oh yes, the Redeemer is a comin'
I will sing and shout a song of victory!
As His love conquered the chains all my sin
Oh yes, the Redeemers Blood has set me free..
Saturday, March 21, 2009
On this hill
On this hill
In darkest daylight
with all sin revealed
the host is lifted high.
There is no melancholy melody to this sacrifice,
no quietude of choir-filled gentility
to align thought and soul.
This altar of absorbing pain
staggers the senses, grips the mind.
This is a solitary place.
A hermitage
crowded with broken hearts
and wounded spirits
oblivious of their fellows.
Let sense be dulled;
for here the sting of death
awaits those who turn their face
for easier vistas.
This unquiet beauty of wracked passion
steals the splendour of simpler creations
and scourges art and word and song.
Tears are the sea
from which this mast arises,
this lighthouse which signifies
wrecking rocks and vicious tides.
The storm which ravages here
breaches time and place,
pulsing of life and void of death.
A lightning flash shears the curtain,
the thunderous roar
a fanfare to sanctity.
On this hill eternity is on trial;
a single soul it’s witness,
the jury a world of closed eyes.
A timbered suffering sacrifice
sees my small pain
and weeps
for me.
originally a 'faithwriters challenge' entry
‘On this hill’ published by Haruah Jan 2008 and by RootsWorship March 2008
This is one of a series of 12 poems for Holy Week.
In darkest daylight
with all sin revealed
the host is lifted high.
There is no melancholy melody to this sacrifice,
no quietude of choir-filled gentility
to align thought and soul.
This altar of absorbing pain
staggers the senses, grips the mind.
This is a solitary place.
A hermitage
crowded with broken hearts
and wounded spirits
oblivious of their fellows.
Let sense be dulled;
for here the sting of death
awaits those who turn their face
for easier vistas.
This unquiet beauty of wracked passion
steals the splendour of simpler creations
and scourges art and word and song.
Tears are the sea
from which this mast arises,
this lighthouse which signifies
wrecking rocks and vicious tides.
The storm which ravages here
breaches time and place,
pulsing of life and void of death.
A lightning flash shears the curtain,
the thunderous roar
a fanfare to sanctity.
On this hill eternity is on trial;
a single soul it’s witness,
the jury a world of closed eyes.
A timbered suffering sacrifice
sees my small pain
and weeps
for me.
originally a 'faithwriters challenge' entry
‘On this hill’ published by Haruah Jan 2008 and by RootsWorship March 2008
This is one of a series of 12 poems for Holy Week.
Easter Poems!
I hope some of you will consider some poems with an Easter theme in the next few weeks! I have three up on another site I would love for you to check out. I will be posting some in this blog in April and hope you will, too!
Easter Acrostic
A poem for Easter written in the acrostic form
Wonder - an Easter Poem
Wondering about the wonder in Jerusalem on Easter morning
For Easter: Faint Ray of Daylight
A poem in celebration of Easter
Easter Acrostic
A poem for Easter written in the acrostic form
Wonder - an Easter Poem
Wondering about the wonder in Jerusalem on Easter morning
For Easter: Faint Ray of Daylight
A poem in celebration of Easter

Easter morning,
Easter poems,
Thursday, March 12, 2009
St. Patrick Acrostic
S ent to Ireland by God,
T aken there by force.
P atrick tended his flock
A nd listened to the Lord.
T ime ended his bondage
R eturning as a free man.
I nspiring with stories and service,
C eltic Christians honored him,
K eeping his memory forever green.
st. patrick,
saint patrick
T aken there by force.
P atrick tended his flock
A nd listened to the Lord.
T ime ended his bondage
R eturning as a free man.
I nspiring with stories and service,
C eltic Christians honored him,
K eeping his memory forever green.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Ordained Participation
He hears:
a simple euphonic call
from the sparrows tiny syrinx
filling the air with song
the flutists' embouchure
as each breath resonates
warm enchanting expression
the soft cadence
of a nightime lullably
silencing the newborn's cry
He sees:
the lonely soul
dismissing years of yesterdays
reaching for harmony
in hope of tomorrow
the blood of the martyrs
as seeds for His church
each bearing his own cross
the innocent child
confused alone and weeping
on bended knee with head bowed
He touches:
the most desolate
rejuvenates with His presence
bittered and angry
transforms with understanding and forgiveness
wounded and suffering
with healing and answered prayer
He said:
"And behold I am coming quickly
My reward is with me
to give to every one according
to his work.
I am the Alpha and the Omega
the Beginning and the End
The First and the Last"
(Rev. 22:12,13)
a simple euphonic call
from the sparrows tiny syrinx
filling the air with song
the flutists' embouchure
as each breath resonates
warm enchanting expression
the soft cadence
of a nightime lullably
silencing the newborn's cry
He sees:
the lonely soul
dismissing years of yesterdays
reaching for harmony
in hope of tomorrow
the blood of the martyrs
as seeds for His church
each bearing his own cross
the innocent child
confused alone and weeping
on bended knee with head bowed
He touches:
the most desolate
rejuvenates with His presence
bittered and angry
transforms with understanding and forgiveness
wounded and suffering
with healing and answered prayer
He said:
"And behold I am coming quickly
My reward is with me
to give to every one according
to his work.
I am the Alpha and the Omega
the Beginning and the End
The First and the Last"
(Rev. 22:12,13)
Between Easter and Whitsun
Between Easter and Whitsun
“I must have been on the wrong page!”
The wind blown flustering turning
moved the mark,
lost the sense.
This hill of abandonment
closing down all things
in wound and pain.
Your words of love and future,
those eyes
which gave us pictures of a kingdom
where love engulfs,
suddenly lifeless and broken.
Betrayed, we kiss other things,
seeking the smile that blessed our lips.
We wait.
Another wind,
another gusted turning of the page
refines the sense
and the breath returns
in tongues of fire.
“I must have been on the wrong page!”
The wind blown flustering turning
moved the mark,
lost the sense.
This hill of abandonment
closing down all things
in wound and pain.
Your words of love and future,
those eyes
which gave us pictures of a kingdom
where love engulfs,
suddenly lifeless and broken.
Betrayed, we kiss other things,
seeking the smile that blessed our lips.
We wait.
Another wind,
another gusted turning of the page
refines the sense
and the breath returns
in tongues of fire.
Saint Patrick the Shepherd
A Poem for St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick as a young man
Was captured and carried away.
He became a slave in Ireland,
Where he's loved until this day.
Patrick tended his sheep flock,
Where he heard the voice of God,
And he became a shepherd,
To those born on Irish sod.
He used the Irish shamrock
To teach the Trinity.
He showed the Celtic Church
The path to Eternity.
So wear your green with honor
And remember this great man --
A saint who learned as a captive
To seek God and follow his plan.
st. patrick,
saint patrick
St. Patrick as a young man
Was captured and carried away.
He became a slave in Ireland,
Where he's loved until this day.
Patrick tended his sheep flock,
Where he heard the voice of God,
And he became a shepherd,
To those born on Irish sod.
He used the Irish shamrock
To teach the Trinity.
He showed the Celtic Church
The path to Eternity.
So wear your green with honor
And remember this great man --
A saint who learned as a captive
To seek God and follow his plan.

Saint Patrick,
St. Patrick,
St. Patrick's Day
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Ireland Acrostic
I reland always beckoning:
R ainbows and pots of gold;
E merald Isle ever glistening in Celtic tales of old.
L eprechauns, lurking, listening;
A ncient Druids by Saints redeemed.
N omad offspring seek those green shores,
D rawn to Eire like ancient reckoning.
st. patrick,
saint patrick
R ainbows and pots of gold;
E merald Isle ever glistening in Celtic tales of old.
L eprechauns, lurking, listening;
A ncient Druids by Saints redeemed.
N omad offspring seek those green shores,
D rawn to Eire like ancient reckoning.

Communion tears
Communion tears
Communion tears
from troubled hearts
glistening pathways
to the heart of God.
Communion tears
from hurting hearts
healing touches
from the physician of souls.
Communion tears
cries from within
never wasted
reach the watchful ears of Love.
Keith Wallis
Communion tears
from troubled hearts
glistening pathways
to the heart of God.
Communion tears
from hurting hearts
healing touches
from the physician of souls.
Communion tears
cries from within
never wasted
reach the watchful ears of Love.
Keith Wallis
Monday, March 9, 2009
The hornets of hell swarm from their nest
Overwhelming all the victims they can.
To sting as many souls as possible
In their destruction of the glory of man.
They murder, rob, rape and plunder
While provoking the meek to submit.
They lie, deceive and mislead
And depend on the world to forget.
Eager to enhance their numbers
They are the cheerleaders of disgrace.
Their agendas of sin must be stopped
For the betterment of each race.
Endless is God’s test of time
To measure man’s spiritual worth
Unwholesome deeds tempt us all
Festering in the repugnance of earth.
The hornets of hell are on the hunt
In all directions by day or night.
The Armor of God shields man’s soul
And gives us our resolve to fight.
The champions of heaven in rapture await
To see who will stumble and fall.
They watch us struggle, in our world of woe
As they pray we will heed, God’s call.
Fools declare we must hide from view
And leave the hornets of hell alone
But when we ignore the liabilities of life
The failings of man become, our own.
Overwhelming all the victims they can.
To sting as many souls as possible
In their destruction of the glory of man.
They murder, rob, rape and plunder
While provoking the meek to submit.
They lie, deceive and mislead
And depend on the world to forget.
Eager to enhance their numbers
They are the cheerleaders of disgrace.
Their agendas of sin must be stopped
For the betterment of each race.
Endless is God’s test of time
To measure man’s spiritual worth
Unwholesome deeds tempt us all
Festering in the repugnance of earth.
The hornets of hell are on the hunt
In all directions by day or night.
The Armor of God shields man’s soul
And gives us our resolve to fight.
The champions of heaven in rapture await
To see who will stumble and fall.
They watch us struggle, in our world of woe
As they pray we will heed, God’s call.
Fools declare we must hide from view
And leave the hornets of hell alone
But when we ignore the liabilities of life
The failings of man become, our own.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Poems for St. Patrick's Day
My "shamrock" of three poems for St. Patrick's Day:
St. Patrick Acrostic
A poem about St. Patrick in the acrostic form
Saint Patrick the Shepherd
A brief poetic tribute to St. Patrick, Patron Saint of Ireland who was a herdsman as a captive in Ireland
Ireland Acrostic
A poem in the acrostic form about Ireland
st. patrick,
saint patrick
St. Patrick Acrostic
A poem about St. Patrick in the acrostic form
Saint Patrick the Shepherd
A brief poetic tribute to St. Patrick, Patron Saint of Ireland who was a herdsman as a captive in Ireland
Ireland Acrostic
A poem in the acrostic form about Ireland

Sunday, March 1, 2009
March Poetry Challenge
Since March is here, I would like to challenge our contributors to submit some poems with a St. Patrick's Day theme or Spring theme during March!
saint patrick

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