Friday, February 19, 2010

Poem: Nothing Gold Can Stay

Standing at the threshold
of Death's ultimate door,
my last gasp escapes me...
As I've never experienced before.

Into the Heavenly realm
I ascend in wonderment,
now housed in an incorruptible body
and thankful that from sin I did repent.

Standing in God's throne room
freed of all Earthly flesh,
my spiritual essence is energized
and feeling fully refreshed.

Now gathered unto my Savior,
unencumbered reality is more than it seems;
for to be in His Presence
is my accomplished dream.

Having been given my kingly reward,
in these times of everlasting days,
willfully I set my crown at His feet.
For upon my head, nothing gold can stay.


karen said...

I am so glad I popped in the site today to catch up on poems others have posted. I was blessed to find your poetry, brother, thank you so much for sharing..
I look forward to reading more from you.. a new and refreshing read for me!!

Carol Penhorwood said...

Absolutely lovely! A real blessing! Thank you for sharing this with us! I too have been out of touch...was just dismissed from the hospital.

Joseph J. Breunig 3rd said...

Thanks for your feedback ladies; I really appreciate it. --Joe