Jesus Christ , Son of God
He was born on Christmas day
The Saviour came to save the world
even from a hay filled manger, where the tiny baby, laid.
The sheep and cattle standing near
Yes, standing guard by the Savior's bed
As the angels sing in triumph Glory
What joy , these words , long ago might have been said:
Praise to the sweet , baby boy
who , one day , would become the Redeemer and the King
Oh what love began, even from that manger stall
as our Jesus, laid the foundation , for what Truth would bring.
That He would come from Bethlehem
The birth, a miracle to all who would see
The Holy child in Mary's arms
A Savior, Jesus , who became the Gift to all humanity.
For this Child, it was a humble birth
yes, the King was born that day
He came to pay the price for us all
Yes, Jesus our Lord, came to wash our sins away.
And so I sing to the One born that night
Praise God, my King came to set me free -
Jesus, I praise you now, and Love you SO!
Yes, You are the Savior, from Galilee.
This Christmas holds more meaning for me
His Love that brings such inner peace
As my heart sings songs of Adoration before my King
I'll bow down , and worship at my Jesus' feet.
Oh how I'll praise the newborn baby Child
whose bed was a lowly manger filled with hay
and though only a manger laid for a miraculous birth
It is Jesus , whose foundation was laid, for the world , today.