My grandson cradled in my arms,
This infant two weeks old,
Securely he lies nestled there
Safe from the world so cold.
In innocence he blindly trusts
And snuggles close to me,
His tiny fingers clutch my heart
For all eternity.
Instinctively he understands
His needs will all be met,
He feels the love surrounding him,
A tender woven net.
This tiny miracle of life,
My heart so full of love,
God's perfect little masterpiece
Sent from His hand above.
Remind me, Lord, that I too lie
Securely in Your arms,
That Your love still envelops me,
Protects from all that harms.
You constantly watch over me,
I too can know Your peace,
Securely nestled in Your arms
I too Your masterpiece.
You watchfully take care of me
And I am safe, secure,
For Your heart's filled with love for me
That will all time endure.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
He is Worthy, Worthy, Worthy
Worthy, Worthy , Worthy!
My Jesus - His Name to Behold
He is Redeemer, Savior, Holy!
Yes, my King - Powerful and Bold
I lift my hands with songs of Glory
to the Worthy One who came to save
Hallelujah to He , who is most Worthy
Yes, To the One whose life , for mine , He gave
Worthy! , Worthy ! , Worthy!
Yes my Redeemer came to save the lost
For the sin of this fallen world, He took
Our Redeemer , yes He came to pay the final cost
And with quiet songs of honoring and humbling
I fall to my knees before my Savior every day
knowing my God is Worthy! , Worthy! , Worthy!
Oh Lord, yes I'll sing Hallelujah - to my God of Praise!
My Jesus - His Name to Behold
He is Redeemer, Savior, Holy!
Yes, my King - Powerful and Bold
I lift my hands with songs of Glory
to the Worthy One who came to save
Hallelujah to He , who is most Worthy
Yes, To the One whose life , for mine , He gave
Worthy! , Worthy ! , Worthy!
Yes my Redeemer came to save the lost
For the sin of this fallen world, He took
Our Redeemer , yes He came to pay the final cost
And with quiet songs of honoring and humbling
I fall to my knees before my Savior every day
knowing my God is Worthy! , Worthy! , Worthy!
Oh Lord, yes I'll sing Hallelujah - to my God of Praise!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
No Permanent Losses
No permanent losses
In the life of God's child,
Through calamity's seed
Heaven's victory is styled.
For man's greatest evil,
Christ's death on the cross,
Birthed God's greatest victory,
Not heaven's great loss.
What men meant for evil,
God meant for our good,
There's no power, no evil,
That can't be withstood.
Blessings from burdens,
Gains from defeat,
Who else but our Savior
Could Satan's plan cheat?
For nothing and no one
Can alter God's plan,
Our present, our future
Lies safe in His hand.
The winds will still blow
Obscuring His hand,
But we can be certain
In God we will stand.
"I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten..." Joel 2:25 (New International Version)
In the life of God's child,
Through calamity's seed
Heaven's victory is styled.
For man's greatest evil,
Christ's death on the cross,
Birthed God's greatest victory,
Not heaven's great loss.
What men meant for evil,
God meant for our good,
There's no power, no evil,
That can't be withstood.
Blessings from burdens,
Gains from defeat,
Who else but our Savior
Could Satan's plan cheat?
For nothing and no one
Can alter God's plan,
Our present, our future
Lies safe in His hand.
The winds will still blow
Obscuring His hand,
But we can be certain
In God we will stand.
"I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten..." Joel 2:25 (New International Version)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Seen through the Eyes of our Father, and a Mother
A life to be treasured
no matter the size
A life , born to be loved
yes, a gift bringing tears to the eyes
For a life is to be cherished
with it's blessings today
A life born to be loved , and protected
whether a part of your family, or given away
For the life of a child,
so tender and small
is a priceless gift to be born
A child ,yes, a precious gift given to all
And no matter the weight of a child
or the color of an eye, or a hair
A child, is created to be loved and cherished
yes, even a child, waiting for another mother to share
So cherish and nuture your child
or the memories you hold
for the child you have been given
is a rare treasure, a gift to behold
no matter the size
A life , born to be loved
yes, a gift bringing tears to the eyes
For a life is to be cherished
with it's blessings today
A life born to be loved , and protected
whether a part of your family, or given away
For the life of a child,
so tender and small
is a priceless gift to be born
A child ,yes, a precious gift given to all
And no matter the weight of a child
or the color of an eye, or a hair
A child, is created to be loved and cherished
yes, even a child, waiting for another mother to share
So cherish and nuture your child
or the memories you hold
for the child you have been given
is a rare treasure, a gift to behold
Monday, January 25, 2010
A Sunset of Praise
The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords,
Crowned with glory and Majesty
Sitting on the Throne on High
Yes, Jesus , the Redeemer who came to set men free.
And when we walk in troubled times
yes, like when life breaks our heart in two
Its when the Holy Spirit comforts us
that we know His peace will filter through.
For , in every perfect sunset
after a day of cleansing, healing rain
its when the Father lavishes His love on us
as He takes away the heaviness of sin and shame
So in the times that He draws us to Him
It is then, the Truth of what He says , rings true
it's in the troubled times of our journey of faith
that His promise of Hope will always carry us through.
And so I sit and write my heart to Him:
Jesus, You are the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords
Yes, it's You who wears the Crown of Majesty
Lord, All I am, and ever hope to be
is because You came to redeem, and set my spirit free.
Crowned with glory and Majesty
Sitting on the Throne on High
Yes, Jesus , the Redeemer who came to set men free.
And when we walk in troubled times
yes, like when life breaks our heart in two
Its when the Holy Spirit comforts us
that we know His peace will filter through.
For , in every perfect sunset
after a day of cleansing, healing rain
its when the Father lavishes His love on us
as He takes away the heaviness of sin and shame
So in the times that He draws us to Him
It is then, the Truth of what He says , rings true
it's in the troubled times of our journey of faith
that His promise of Hope will always carry us through.
And so I sit and write my heart to Him:
Jesus, You are the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords
Yes, it's You who wears the Crown of Majesty
Lord, All I am, and ever hope to be
is because You came to redeem, and set my spirit free.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
My Arsenal of Praise
Lord let my arsenal be filled today
my arsenal of worship and of praise
in every battle that You walk me through
it's that arsenal I know will keep me singing all my days
Hallelujah, I will sing and shout
as I go marching into this earthly war
with my eyes focused on You every step of the way
Lord, it's the Power of the Spirit , that's come to restore
Oh yes, my arsenal is filled with Worship and Praise
my heart hears the " tune " of my Almighty King
and with songs of delight that come from Your Word
Lord, my arsenal is full with songs I can sing
I will march in tune with my Lord and my God
my heart filled with songs that bring Glory to His Name
with * " Hands Lifted High ", and feet planted at the Cross
Glory Hallelujah, He's redeemed freed me from sin and shame
Oh yes, I will sing forever :
Praise God to the One that hears my Song
as I go marching into this earthly war
with my eyes focused on Praise every step of the way
I will praise You forever, as You've come to heal and restore
You can find the CD recording of * " Hands Lifted High " by Dennis Jernigan, at
my arsenal of worship and of praise
in every battle that You walk me through
it's that arsenal I know will keep me singing all my days
Hallelujah, I will sing and shout
as I go marching into this earthly war
with my eyes focused on You every step of the way
Lord, it's the Power of the Spirit , that's come to restore
Oh yes, my arsenal is filled with Worship and Praise
my heart hears the " tune " of my Almighty King
and with songs of delight that come from Your Word
Lord, my arsenal is full with songs I can sing
I will march in tune with my Lord and my God
my heart filled with songs that bring Glory to His Name
with * " Hands Lifted High ", and feet planted at the Cross
Glory Hallelujah, He's redeemed freed me from sin and shame
Oh yes, I will sing forever :
Praise God to the One that hears my Song
as I go marching into this earthly war
with my eyes focused on Praise every step of the way
I will praise You forever, as You've come to heal and restore
You can find the CD recording of * " Hands Lifted High " by Dennis Jernigan, at
Friday, January 22, 2010
God's Just Behind The Cloud
God loves us more profoundly
Than we can understand,
So when a problem comes along
Reach out and take His hand.
Sometimes His love is hidden
In trials dark and gray,
If we could see behind the cloud,
This at His feet we'd lay.
For we would see His eyes of love,
Compassion on His face,
He always wants the best for us,
Through this His hand we'd trace.
We need not fully understand
Why this He has allowed,
We rest secure within His love,
He's just behind the cloud.
His purpose is not fully known,
We know this too is best,
And though we do not understand
Yet in His love we rest.
"Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience. But let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may be (people) perfectly and fully developed (with no defects), lacking in nothing." James 1:3-4 (Amplified)
Than we can understand,
So when a problem comes along
Reach out and take His hand.
Sometimes His love is hidden
In trials dark and gray,
If we could see behind the cloud,
This at His feet we'd lay.
For we would see His eyes of love,
Compassion on His face,
He always wants the best for us,
Through this His hand we'd trace.
We need not fully understand
Why this He has allowed,
We rest secure within His love,
He's just behind the cloud.
His purpose is not fully known,
We know this too is best,
And though we do not understand
Yet in His love we rest.
"Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience. But let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may be (people) perfectly and fully developed (with no defects), lacking in nothing." James 1:3-4 (Amplified)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Remake me , O Lord - Into a Picture of Beauty

Break me Lord, into Your hands
crushing strong holds that keep me from being free
take each part that needs to be made new
Lord , bring Your Beauty, deep in to the depths of me.
Yes, let Your Spirit, in me, shine forth from inside
creating new beauty from Your skillfully , crafted ways
Scatter the lies of the Enemy, and the darkness , O Lord
Break me, and remake me - Yes, this is my song of prayer today
Lord , like a stain glass window , newly designed
it's beauty comes when its been broken and crushed
and from the Hands of my Father , where Your beauty springs forth
Lord , here I stand , in New Beauty , from Your Designing Touch
Lord, hear my prayer tonight,
as I come before You.
I come asking for You to break me, and Remake me , Lord -
into the Beautiful Image of Yourself.. So that when other's see me, they will be drawn to the Beauty of Christ, shining thru my life today, just as if I were a stained glass window . I pray this in Your Name, Amen
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
In The Difficult
Lightning can be destructive,
We dread its deadly deeds,
And yet the nutrients it brings
The soil badly needs.
The rain seems never ending
And gloom spreads o'er the soul,
But it's the rain that brings the flowers
Through which we love to stroll.
So too the trials of our lives
Fill us with fear and dread,
And yet it's in the difficult
When to our God we've fled.
So often what seems evil
The Lord will use for good,
And we end up on higher ground
Where we have never stood.
"Beloved, do not be amazed and bewildered at the fiery ordeal which is taking place to test your quality, as though something strange--unusual and alien to you and your position--were befalling you. But in so far as you are sharing Christ's suffering, rejoice, so that when His glory (full of radiance and splendor) is revealed you may also rejoice with triumph--exultantly." I Peter 4:12-13 (Amplified)
We dread its deadly deeds,
And yet the nutrients it brings
The soil badly needs.
The rain seems never ending
And gloom spreads o'er the soul,
But it's the rain that brings the flowers
Through which we love to stroll.
So too the trials of our lives
Fill us with fear and dread,
And yet it's in the difficult
When to our God we've fled.
So often what seems evil
The Lord will use for good,
And we end up on higher ground
Where we have never stood.
"Beloved, do not be amazed and bewildered at the fiery ordeal which is taking place to test your quality, as though something strange--unusual and alien to you and your position--were befalling you. But in so far as you are sharing Christ's suffering, rejoice, so that when His glory (full of radiance and splendor) is revealed you may also rejoice with triumph--exultantly." I Peter 4:12-13 (Amplified)
Peace in His Sanctuary
I see the Father standing close
Oh how He wants to draw you near
In the gentle touch of the Father's peace
it's His voice that says "Child , you'll find rest with Me here"
For it's in the Peace of His Sanctuary
where calm and respite bring healing in the air
it's in His Presence you will find His Hope
when you find the Savior waiting there
Yes, He stands with opened arms
calling out to those who need His peace
and as you walk toward the Father now
You'll know His Peace will bring sweet , relief
For He sings songs of Deliverance
and songs of great Delight to all those He loves
and in the times when you are weary and worn
it's there He stands, in the peaceful Sanctuary of His quiet Love
Yes, our Father waits to draw you near
just come in faith, to His waiting side
For in the Peace of God's quiet Sanctuary
it is there, where His Help will be supplied.
Oh how He wants to draw you near
In the gentle touch of the Father's peace
it's His voice that says "Child , you'll find rest with Me here"
For it's in the Peace of His Sanctuary
where calm and respite bring healing in the air
it's in His Presence you will find His Hope
when you find the Savior waiting there
Yes, He stands with opened arms
calling out to those who need His peace
and as you walk toward the Father now
You'll know His Peace will bring sweet , relief
For He sings songs of Deliverance
and songs of great Delight to all those He loves
and in the times when you are weary and worn
it's there He stands, in the peaceful Sanctuary of His quiet Love
Yes, our Father waits to draw you near
just come in faith, to His waiting side
For in the Peace of God's quiet Sanctuary
it is there, where His Help will be supplied.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
My Redeemer's Amazing Love
Even in the rivers and low valleys
do I lift up my eyes unto the hills
and in the steps of this freedom journey
I hear His voice softly calling " Peace be still "
for my God is all around me
and He knows just what my spirit needs
for my God knows when I might be hurting
and when I'm lost and alone - it is there that He'll lead
Oh yes, He takes my hand within His own
and says," trust me Child, I know the safest way "
just come deeper into in my healing Presence
its to the Sanctuary of peace , that we will go today
So as we walk side by side in this freedom journey
through green pastures ,or dry and thristy lands
yes, its God's faithful promise that He gives us
that He will never leave us as He's always leading by His hand
Oh what peace there'll be in this valley
yes, what rest there comes from God high above
and because of the heart of God that soothes me
I'll always rest in my Redeemers amazing Love
do I lift up my eyes unto the hills
and in the steps of this freedom journey
I hear His voice softly calling " Peace be still "
for my God is all around me
and He knows just what my spirit needs
for my God knows when I might be hurting
and when I'm lost and alone - it is there that He'll lead
Oh yes, He takes my hand within His own
and says," trust me Child, I know the safest way "
just come deeper into in my healing Presence
its to the Sanctuary of peace , that we will go today
So as we walk side by side in this freedom journey
through green pastures ,or dry and thristy lands
yes, its God's faithful promise that He gives us
that He will never leave us as He's always leading by His hand
Oh what peace there'll be in this valley
yes, what rest there comes from God high above
and because of the heart of God that soothes me
I'll always rest in my Redeemers amazing Love
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Battles Fought At Night
I fight my fiercest battles
In the darkness of the night,
When my body fights this pain alone
And longs to just take flight.
The hours pass so slowly
When my body cannot sleep,
And feel that I am all alone
In a valley dark and deep.
In the stillness no distractions,
Only pain to fill my mind,
Then You whisper, "I am with you,
In this too My peace you'll find."
How I love Your sweet assurance
That You daily walk with me,
When I stumble and I falter,
It is then You carry me.
For this too there is a purpose,
Sometimes pain You must allow,
But Your love holds me securely,
To Your purpose I will bow.
"Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything by prayer and petition (definite requests) with thanksgiving continue to make your wants known to God. And God's peace (be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace) which transcends all understanding, shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7 (Amplified)
In the darkness of the night,
When my body fights this pain alone
And longs to just take flight.
The hours pass so slowly
When my body cannot sleep,
And feel that I am all alone
In a valley dark and deep.
In the stillness no distractions,
Only pain to fill my mind,
Then You whisper, "I am with you,
In this too My peace you'll find."
How I love Your sweet assurance
That You daily walk with me,
When I stumble and I falter,
It is then You carry me.
For this too there is a purpose,
Sometimes pain You must allow,
But Your love holds me securely,
To Your purpose I will bow.
"Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything by prayer and petition (definite requests) with thanksgiving continue to make your wants known to God. And God's peace (be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace) which transcends all understanding, shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7 (Amplified)
The Oasis of Gods Sanctuary
The Oasis of God's Sanctuary
Oasis: A Shelter serving as a place of safety or sanctuary .
The Oasis of Your Sanctuary
the place, Lord, I know i need to be
its there in the solitude
where your peace can allow me to finally see
its there in the oasis Lord
in the mirage of my mind
the pain, the fear , the secrets kept
Oh Lord - in the Oasis, may your safety be all that I will find
Help me to see beyond the distance
of the healing that your Living Water brings
and in that hope that lies beyond the hurt
may my praise be all that my thirsting heart will sing
Yes, you are my Oasis Lord
my Hope in a barren and thirsty land
with my secrets left with you today
Lord, I leave them in your Trusting hand
Yes, the Oasis of Your Sanctuary
the place, Lord, I long to always be
there in the Solitude of Your Peace
Lord, today , may I find You - waiting here for me..
Oasis: A Shelter serving as a place of safety or sanctuary .
The Oasis of Your Sanctuary
the place, Lord, I know i need to be
its there in the solitude
where your peace can allow me to finally see
its there in the oasis Lord
in the mirage of my mind
the pain, the fear , the secrets kept
Oh Lord - in the Oasis, may your safety be all that I will find
Help me to see beyond the distance
of the healing that your Living Water brings
and in that hope that lies beyond the hurt
may my praise be all that my thirsting heart will sing
Yes, you are my Oasis Lord
my Hope in a barren and thirsty land
with my secrets left with you today
Lord, I leave them in your Trusting hand
Yes, the Oasis of Your Sanctuary
the place, Lord, I long to always be
there in the Solitude of Your Peace
Lord, today , may I find You - waiting here for me..
Saturday, January 16, 2010
I Sing the Shadow of His Wings
Lord, I sing in the shadow of Your wings
a song of praise unto your name
with a gentle whisper of You are Lord
I walk in freedom from all my guilty stain
I sing, unto the Lord of Lord
Yes, I sing to the King of Kings above
for in His Robe of Righteousness
it is Jesus, who gave me life, because of His abiding Love
Yes, in the shadow of God's mighty wings
it's to Him , I bring my praise to lift on High
Oh Lord of All the earth, land and seas
It's your Name, that will be forever , Glorified
a song of praise unto your name
with a gentle whisper of You are Lord
I walk in freedom from all my guilty stain
I sing, unto the Lord of Lord
Yes, I sing to the King of Kings above
for in His Robe of Righteousness
it is Jesus, who gave me life, because of His abiding Love
Yes, in the shadow of God's mighty wings
it's to Him , I bring my praise to lift on High
Oh Lord of All the earth, land and seas
It's your Name, that will be forever , Glorified
Friday, January 15, 2010
We're Not Meant To Understand
We're not meant to understand
All that we endure,
But for His children God knows best,
In this we are secure.
We often try to analyze,
To reason it all out,
Which only leads to stress and strain
And fuels endless doubt.
Our circumstances He's designed
To show us what we need,
To purify us, to refine,
And closer to Him lead.
These trials often tumble
The earthly props we've used
To make us feel secure and safe,
The things we have misused.
All else becomes our idols
Until in God we trust,
With Him as our foundation
All else may turn to dust.
So know there is a purpose
In all that comes our way,
We'll grow in knowledge of our God
If we don't run away.
"When I think of the wisdom and scope of God's plan, I fall to my knees and pray to the father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will give you mighty inner strength through his Holy Spirit. And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts as you trust in him. May your roots go down deep into the soil of God's marvelous love. And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never fully understand it. then you will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God.
Now glory be to God! By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope. May he be given glory in the church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever through endless ages. Amen." Ephesians 3:14-20 (New Living Translation)
All that we endure,
But for His children God knows best,
In this we are secure.
We often try to analyze,
To reason it all out,
Which only leads to stress and strain
And fuels endless doubt.
Our circumstances He's designed
To show us what we need,
To purify us, to refine,
And closer to Him lead.
These trials often tumble
The earthly props we've used
To make us feel secure and safe,
The things we have misused.
All else becomes our idols
Until in God we trust,
With Him as our foundation
All else may turn to dust.
So know there is a purpose
In all that comes our way,
We'll grow in knowledge of our God
If we don't run away.
"When I think of the wisdom and scope of God's plan, I fall to my knees and pray to the father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will give you mighty inner strength through his Holy Spirit. And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts as you trust in him. May your roots go down deep into the soil of God's marvelous love. And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never fully understand it. then you will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God.
Now glory be to God! By his mighty power at work within us, he is able to accomplish infinitely more than we would ever dare to ask or hope. May he be given glory in the church and in Christ Jesus forever and ever through endless ages. Amen." Ephesians 3:14-20 (New Living Translation)
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Valentine's Day Poetry - Poems for Valentine's Day
A trio of original poems I have written in honor of Valentine's Day.
Valentine's Day Poetry - Poems for Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day,
Valentines Poems
Safely in Heaven
I’m on streets of purest gold
Strolling heaven’s city.
Rejoicing as the Son unfolds
His reflectivity!
I’m on diamond foundations
Sure and strong and spotless.
Established for the nations,
As eternal as His promise.
I’m in homes of varied gems
All brilliant and refined.
Awestruck once again
At His beautiful design.
I’m in clouds of fragrant scent
All purest white and glowing.
A sublime and royal tent
Like a crown He is bestowing.
I’m at heaven’s gleaming throne,
Oh the sea of victory!
His radiance enthroned
In all His majesty.
I’m at Jesus wounded feet
Bowing low in reverence.
At perfect peace, replete
In redefined extravagance.
By Tom Valles
Second Timothy 4:18 The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed, and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom; to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
Strolling heaven’s city.
Rejoicing as the Son unfolds
His reflectivity!
I’m on diamond foundations
Sure and strong and spotless.
Established for the nations,
As eternal as His promise.
I’m in homes of varied gems
All brilliant and refined.
Awestruck once again
At His beautiful design.
I’m in clouds of fragrant scent
All purest white and glowing.
A sublime and royal tent
Like a crown He is bestowing.
I’m at heaven’s gleaming throne,
Oh the sea of victory!
His radiance enthroned
In all His majesty.
I’m at Jesus wounded feet
Bowing low in reverence.
At perfect peace, replete
In redefined extravagance.
By Tom Valles
Second Timothy 4:18 The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed, and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom; to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
On The Wings Of Worship
God comes on the wings of our worship
When we're in the midst of our pain,
The gateways of heaven swing open
When praise from our lips we ordain.
Not based on emotions praise comes from our faith
When darkness is all that we see,
No matter what happens He's worthy of praise,
He sees all, yet loves you and me.
He never abandons His children,
He rides on the winds of our storms,
It's when we're most needy that He is most near,
Through blustering winds He transforms.
There's nothing that He's not aware of,
There's nothing that He's not allowed,
For nothing can touch us apart from His will,
He's there in the midst of the cloud.
"Lord, You have a reason, that's all I need know,
And though I can't feel You, You're here,
So I'll simply trust You and ride out the storm,
What You have allowed I'll not fear."
"From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger." Psalm 8:2 (NIV)
When we're in the midst of our pain,
The gateways of heaven swing open
When praise from our lips we ordain.
Not based on emotions praise comes from our faith
When darkness is all that we see,
No matter what happens He's worthy of praise,
He sees all, yet loves you and me.
He never abandons His children,
He rides on the winds of our storms,
It's when we're most needy that He is most near,
Through blustering winds He transforms.
There's nothing that He's not aware of,
There's nothing that He's not allowed,
For nothing can touch us apart from His will,
He's there in the midst of the cloud.
"Lord, You have a reason, that's all I need know,
And though I can't feel You, You're here,
So I'll simply trust You and ride out the storm,
What You have allowed I'll not fear."
"From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger." Psalm 8:2 (NIV)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
It's Worth It
Though it is not easy, it's worth it,
The pain and the grief that we bear,
The wounds that we carry bring others to Him
For we in His suffering share.
For when we have bled we've compassion,
Support and encouragement bring,
If we had not suffered what help could we be
To others who've felt this world's sting?
Though it is not easy, it's worth it,
The hurts that our souls have sustained,
For it is through suffering we learn God is real,
Dependence on Him we have gained.
In the painful there's purpose and meaning,
We are molded, we're shaped, we are honed,
Hidden grace is ours for the asking,
We'll be singing where once we have groaned.
"Dear friend, don't be surprised at the fiery trials you are going though, as if something strange were happening to you. Instead, be very glad--because these trials will make you partners with Christ in his suffering, and afterward you will have the wonderful joy of sharing his glory when it is displayed to all the world." I Peter 4:12-13 (New Living Translation)
The pain and the grief that we bear,
The wounds that we carry bring others to Him
For we in His suffering share.
For when we have bled we've compassion,
Support and encouragement bring,
If we had not suffered what help could we be
To others who've felt this world's sting?
Though it is not easy, it's worth it,
The hurts that our souls have sustained,
For it is through suffering we learn God is real,
Dependence on Him we have gained.
In the painful there's purpose and meaning,
We are molded, we're shaped, we are honed,
Hidden grace is ours for the asking,
We'll be singing where once we have groaned.
"Dear friend, don't be surprised at the fiery trials you are going though, as if something strange were happening to you. Instead, be very glad--because these trials will make you partners with Christ in his suffering, and afterward you will have the wonderful joy of sharing his glory when it is displayed to all the world." I Peter 4:12-13 (New Living Translation)
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Come and Rest A While...
" Come and rest in Me a while "
to a deserted place where you will find retreat
for it's in that place of quietness
that you will know it's I, you can always meet
Just lay your worries and your burdens down
at My feet , where my Word will make you see
that as you come to a place of quiet and rest
it's in the resting of the Father, that will set your spirit free
Yes, this is my Fathers will for you
to come to a place where you will once again , be fed
put aside all that causes you to become weary and worn
just come child, for in Me, you will find peace instead
Yes, come away, to a deserted place
come rest for a little while today
just soak in the warming of My Presence
let yourself hear the words I long for you to hear today:
Come.. come.. come , and sit with Me
Yes , let your soul be refueled with My rest divine
for I am a God of Healing Rest , my Child
Yes, it's there, where only my peace you will find
" Come away with Me a while "
to a deserted place where you will find My rest
for it's in that place of quiet deserted retreat
that you will know that my Peace is always best.
this poem came as I was reading Mark 6:31.
to a deserted place where you will find retreat
for it's in that place of quietness
that you will know it's I, you can always meet
Just lay your worries and your burdens down
at My feet , where my Word will make you see
that as you come to a place of quiet and rest
it's in the resting of the Father, that will set your spirit free
Yes, this is my Fathers will for you
to come to a place where you will once again , be fed
put aside all that causes you to become weary and worn
just come child, for in Me, you will find peace instead
Yes, come away, to a deserted place
come rest for a little while today
just soak in the warming of My Presence
let yourself hear the words I long for you to hear today:
Come.. come.. come , and sit with Me
Yes , let your soul be refueled with My rest divine
for I am a God of Healing Rest , my Child
Yes, it's there, where only my peace you will find
" Come away with Me a while "
to a deserted place where you will find My rest
for it's in that place of quiet deserted retreat
that you will know that my Peace is always best.
this poem came as I was reading Mark 6:31.
The Battle Of The Mind
There are two kinds of battles,
The inside and the out,
God's promised us His angels
Who surround us round about.
The inner battle we must win,
The battle of the mind,
For life's made up of choices,
Casting fears and doubts behind.
God's given us authority,
Equipped us for the fight,
It's what we choose to think about
That brings both dark and light.
For we must capture every thought,
Determine what is true,
Does it line up with Scripture?
God's truth we must pursue.
We fight so many battles
When we worry, fret, and stew,
It's what we choose to dwell on
That can the mind renew.
It really is so simple
But the hardest thing to do,
Our choice--to capture every thought--
Hold on to what is true.
"For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." II Corinthians 10:3-5 (NIV)
The inside and the out,
God's promised us His angels
Who surround us round about.
The inner battle we must win,
The battle of the mind,
For life's made up of choices,
Casting fears and doubts behind.
God's given us authority,
Equipped us for the fight,
It's what we choose to think about
That brings both dark and light.
For we must capture every thought,
Determine what is true,
Does it line up with Scripture?
God's truth we must pursue.
We fight so many battles
When we worry, fret, and stew,
It's what we choose to dwell on
That can the mind renew.
It really is so simple
But the hardest thing to do,
Our choice--to capture every thought--
Hold on to what is true.
"For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." II Corinthians 10:3-5 (NIV)
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Relinquish Yesterday
Relinquish yesterday, live today,
Don't pause to look behind,
The past need have no hold on you,
Need not control your mind.
Your past was nailed upon His cross,
It's dealt with once for all,
No longer need it bring you shame,
Now rise to heed God's call.
You have a bright tomorrow,
Though yesterday left wounds,
It is those very scars He'll use
To grow His choicest blooms.
"The Lord is compassionate and gracious, Slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness. He will not always strive with us, Nor will He keep His anger forever. He has not dealt with us according to our sins, Nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, So great is His lovingkindness toward those who fear Him. As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us." Psalm 103:8-12 (New American Standard Bible)
Don't pause to look behind,
The past need have no hold on you,
Need not control your mind.
Your past was nailed upon His cross,
It's dealt with once for all,
No longer need it bring you shame,
Now rise to heed God's call.
You have a bright tomorrow,
Though yesterday left wounds,
It is those very scars He'll use
To grow His choicest blooms.
"The Lord is compassionate and gracious, Slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness. He will not always strive with us, Nor will He keep His anger forever. He has not dealt with us according to our sins, Nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, So great is His lovingkindness toward those who fear Him. As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us." Psalm 103:8-12 (New American Standard Bible)
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Whatever It Takes
Though I may not feel it, God loves me,
His best then one day I will see,
On this firm foundation I'll ride out the storm,
He knows what is happening to me.
I never need question the trials,
The reasons these things He's allowed,
I know He cannot be mistaken,
I know He's behind every cloud.
Whatever it takes to make me like Him,
To others encourage and bless,
Lord, help me be willing, with eyes fixed on You,
Your love through each trial confess.
The outcome is already determined,
The battle You've already won,
My job, to stand firm in the testing,
The reward..."My child, well done."
"We have this treasure from God, but we are like clay jars that hold the treasure. This shows that the great power is from God, not from us. We have troubles all around us, but we are not defeated. We do not know what to do, but we do not give up the hope of living. We are persecuted, but God does not leave us. We are hurt sometimes, but we are not destroyed. We carry the death of Jesus in our own bodies so that the life of Jesus can also be seen in our bodies." II Corinthians 4:7-10 (New Century Version)
His best then one day I will see,
On this firm foundation I'll ride out the storm,
He knows what is happening to me.
I never need question the trials,
The reasons these things He's allowed,
I know He cannot be mistaken,
I know He's behind every cloud.
Whatever it takes to make me like Him,
To others encourage and bless,
Lord, help me be willing, with eyes fixed on You,
Your love through each trial confess.
The outcome is already determined,
The battle You've already won,
My job, to stand firm in the testing,
The reward..."My child, well done."
"We have this treasure from God, but we are like clay jars that hold the treasure. This shows that the great power is from God, not from us. We have troubles all around us, but we are not defeated. We do not know what to do, but we do not give up the hope of living. We are persecuted, but God does not leave us. We are hurt sometimes, but we are not destroyed. We carry the death of Jesus in our own bodies so that the life of Jesus can also be seen in our bodies." II Corinthians 4:7-10 (New Century Version)
Come Holy Spirit, we have Need of You
Like a reigning shower of abundant peace
Come and fall deeper around us Holy Spirit , as I pray
bring Your Presence into our surrounding, Lord
For it's Your Spirit's nearness , we need in every way
Lord Jesus , come and sing songs of Love
Come and sing songs over those sick, or weary, or beaten down
Lord , in the midst of life's drowning seas , all we ask
is that You'd Come , Holy Spirit - come deeper to surround
My prayer, Lord God, Come and fill those who need Your help
Yes, Holy Spirit , fall down around those who are in need
bring forth Your healing touch , of body, soul and mind
Yes, Lord, may the Power of the Holy Spirit , come and intercede
This is my prayer , come closer , Dear Lord
with the power of the Spirit , faithful, strong and true
May Your breath of life come and fill us all with peace
Oh God, Giver of Life, my prayer , bring us closer Lord , to You.
Yes, " mercy " those that call on You now
for those who come , and stand before You , with open hands
from those who need Your peace and closeness Lord
bring healing , for You are the Great Physician, the Great I Am..
Come and fall deeper around us Holy Spirit , as I pray
bring Your Presence into our surrounding, Lord
For it's Your Spirit's nearness , we need in every way
Lord Jesus , come and sing songs of Love
Come and sing songs over those sick, or weary, or beaten down
Lord , in the midst of life's drowning seas , all we ask
is that You'd Come , Holy Spirit - come deeper to surround
My prayer, Lord God, Come and fill those who need Your help
Yes, Holy Spirit , fall down around those who are in need
bring forth Your healing touch , of body, soul and mind
Yes, Lord, may the Power of the Holy Spirit , come and intercede
This is my prayer , come closer , Dear Lord
with the power of the Spirit , faithful, strong and true
May Your breath of life come and fill us all with peace
Oh God, Giver of Life, my prayer , bring us closer Lord , to You.
Yes, " mercy " those that call on You now
for those who come , and stand before You , with open hands
from those who need Your peace and closeness Lord
bring healing , for You are the Great Physician, the Great I Am..
Monday, January 4, 2010
Sometimes God Needs No Miracle
Sometimes God needs no miracle
To do what is His will,
He need not calm the waves or sea
Commanding "Peace be still".
Sometimes He chooses other means,
No drama and no drums,
Time alone the only need
And still His kingdom comes.
His power need not be displayed,
He whispers, "All is well,"
Sometimes our faith is all He wants
To banish living hell.
Sometimes He gives us inner peace
And still the storm will rage,
But this I know, on this I'll stand,
The battle He will wage.
"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God." Psalm 20:7 (NIV)
To do what is His will,
He need not calm the waves or sea
Commanding "Peace be still".
Sometimes He chooses other means,
No drama and no drums,
Time alone the only need
And still His kingdom comes.
His power need not be displayed,
He whispers, "All is well,"
Sometimes our faith is all He wants
To banish living hell.
Sometimes He gives us inner peace
And still the storm will rage,
But this I know, on this I'll stand,
The battle He will wage.
"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God." Psalm 20:7 (NIV)
Saturday, January 2, 2010
The Book Of My Life
There have been some painful pages
In the chapters of my life,
And some I'd willingly erase
When I caused endless strife.
But I am, O so thankful, Lord,
The end has not yet come,
That there are still some pages left
For what I can become.
Dip Your pen within my spirit
With heaven's ink still write,
Though my past may hint of darkness
Still my future can be bright.
For the blots are now behind me,
Heaven's hand now writes each script,
And my future's paved with promise
In God's hands I'm firmly gripped.
There's a purpose in each chapter
And a plot clearly defined,
But I will not know the finish
'Til the Author's name is signed.
"And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ--right up to the time of His return--developing (that good work) and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you." Philippians 1:6 (Amplified)
In the chapters of my life,
And some I'd willingly erase
When I caused endless strife.
But I am, O so thankful, Lord,
The end has not yet come,
That there are still some pages left
For what I can become.
Dip Your pen within my spirit
With heaven's ink still write,
Though my past may hint of darkness
Still my future can be bright.
For the blots are now behind me,
Heaven's hand now writes each script,
And my future's paved with promise
In God's hands I'm firmly gripped.
There's a purpose in each chapter
And a plot clearly defined,
But I will not know the finish
'Til the Author's name is signed.
"And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ--right up to the time of His return--developing (that good work) and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you." Philippians 1:6 (Amplified)
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