Monday, October 19, 2009

Turning over a New Leaf

Lord, I am like...
A leaf blowing in the wind
Scattered here and there, never to return.
Never to leave.. Hanging tight to the familiar
The everyday pattern of existence.
Free to be who You say I am...
To sail across the sky, both far and near high or low.
Cool, crisp, sharp. Ready to meet Your day, Lord
Beginning its descent into my faith
Finding new horizons to settle upon
Finding new things to grasp onto. To let go of.
Leaves, crumbling, crumbled, crushed.
Many areas of uncertainty.
Broken pieces unknown to any other person.
Pain, hurt, frustration.
Turmoil turning to new growth.
New joy.. New ideas… New life… Jesus
Soft beauty, full of gold wanderlust
Yellow, brightness. Orange! Fulfillment!
Has it arrived yet for me to see and experience?
Has it sparkled with age, with indescribable beauty?
Has change turned to knowledge, pouring forth into?
Peace and love brought about to your sight?
New goals, new dreams. Could this be the new leaf?
Continuing to scatter here and there
But with new hope, new thoughts, new times ahead?
Old times of brokenness inside
Never to return, never to cause new pain.
A leaf never to be the same…

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